4 Fun Facts About Bloomers Panties (Then and Now)

When you think of bloomers panties, you probably think about frilly, blousy white underwear that women used to wear back in the day. And you're right! Back in the 1800s, bloomers were not particularly stylish, but they were the most comfortable underwear option available. Prior to the invention of bloomers, women were stuffing themselves into corsets and layers (and layers) of petticoats that made moving and breathing a struggle. Bloomers were a welcome reprieve and also functioned as a symbol of women's rights, as they enabled women to engage in sports and other activities.
While we've moved on from the days of corsets and petticoats, women still struggle with uncomfortable undergarments over 200 years later. And, up until recently, the most comfortably panties you could find were big granny panties. That's why we've redefined comfortable underwear, by making it stylish as well. Olden-day bloomers and our new Bloomers have a lot more in common than just comfort. See for yourself!
Then: The original bloomer underpants were popularized by a female activist, Amelia Bloomer, who was tired of wearing constricting, uncomfortable undergarments.
Now: Our Bloomers were founded by female entrepreneurs who were also tired of wearing constricting, uncomfortable undergarments, but they still wanted to look stylish in their undies.
Then: The inspiration for bloomers of the 1800s came from Europe, where women wore "Turkish trousers" under their dresses.
Now: Our inspiration for Bloomers' designs also came from Europe, where we saw our first pair of British knickers.
Then: Of the fit, Amelia Bloomer once said, "the waist is easy, and without whalebones."
Now: Guess what? Our Bloomers' waist is also easy (to pull on) and no whalebones!
And that's where the similarities end...
As you can probably tell from the original bloomers style, the designers took a comfort first approach. Amelia once wrote, "the costume of women should be suited to her wants and necessities. It should conduce at once to her health, comfort, and usefulness; and, while it should not fail also to conduce to her personal adornment, it should make that end of secondary importance."
At Bloomers Intimates, we're of the mindset that you can be both comfortable AND stylish. Yes, women can finally have it all! Check out our new high waist lace panty and see for yourself.