A Brief History of Bloomers

Many, many years ago my family used to vacation in London. It was a good meeting point for our extended family, all of whom lived across the globe, and I used to go there a few times a year to spend time with family, see the city sites and engage in my favorite pastime - shopping. Conveniently, there was a Department Store within walking distance from my hotel and it had the loveliest lingerie department I’d ever seen, with a large selection of pajamas and nightgowns and bathrobes. But the most unique thing they had were these beautiful women's underwear they called “knickers”.
Knickers were women's panties that looked nothing like the standard briefs you'd find anywhere else. They were pretty. They were flirty. They used a combination of pretty fabrics. They had loose stretchy lace where others would have a tight elastic band that cut into your body. They had no visible panty lines. They provided just a little bit of control at the tummy. And they felt and looked great. They were like the holy grail of women's underwear.
So every visit to London, I would stock up on these knickers. I bought so many pairs in black and in white, and then when nude became a popular option, I bought those as well. I still have boxes of so many generations of these knickers in my closet but sadly, over time, I began to notice they no longer did the job.
After several years (ok maybe decades) and children and grandchildren, my body had changed. I needed a little bit more coverage in the tummy. I needed a little bit more coverage of my behind. I needed a little more room overall. I could have graduated to granny panties but I wasn't ready to give up just yet. I don't want to look old and dowdy - I still feel young inside and, more importantly, I still want to look and feel pretty.
I searched high and low for women's underwear that filled all my new needs. But I couldn’t find any! Not from any of the big brands, or the small brands, or even the super luxury brands. And I thought to myself, I cannot be the only woman in the world looking for comfortable, sexy granny panties.
One day, I mentioned the idea of sexy granny panties to my daughter, a mother of two and a marketing whiz (in my unbiased opinion). She initially scoffed at the idea but, after surveying her friends whose bodies had also changed over time, she saw a real need for comfortable, sexy underwear for women of all ages. And, ultimately, she realized her mother was right, as daughters often do.
That, my friends, is how we came up with the idea for Bloomers - sexy granny panties for the woman who wants to look and feel good. Because, regardless of your age, isn't that what we all want?